During my career at a large High Tech company it was my responsibility to oversee our annual sales conference. Expectations were high for the success of these events and there were many moving parts.

Having been raised in Christian Science, I was brought up to always feel free to turn to God for support in any situation. Each year I would do my own spiritual preparation for these events by praying to know that God was truly overseeing every aspect with harmony, love and joy.

One year, I felt very nervous and worried. I was stressed and overwhelmed with negative thoughts that something was going to go wrong and decided to call a Christian Science Practitioner for help. In the past, I had always called her when I had a physical problem that needed healing so this time felt a little different, and when I asked her to pray with me for the overall success of an event at work, she happily agreed to help me pray to know all harmony.

We talked about God’s allness and dominion. That God created and guides everything in the universe. In Christian Science, we have a textbook that teaches us more about how to pray. Called Science and Health on page 502 it reads, “The universe reflects God. There is but one creator and one creation. This creation consists of the unfolding of spiritual ideas and their identities, which are embraced in the infinite Mind and forever reflected.”

I realized in that moment, that even this event and everyone involved was included as part of that unfolding of spiritual ideas. That we too were, “embraced in infinite Mind… ” that included myself, the participants and the entire event. I immediately felt at ease, the stress and worry fell away and I knew I could trust God with its success. The conference was a success and I went on to lead that conference for over nine years feeling confident knowing that God guides everything.