Today’s thought for the day is, “What can I do to help the world?”  And how every prayer makes a difference.
Here’s my take on how our prayers can help heal the world.
I believe that when we pray, we’re not just creating space within ourselves for healing, or even for another person, or a single situation.  Uplifting spiritual thoughts elevate and build on each other.  Every prayer makes a difference because when you lift thought beyond the human towards a higher spiritual sense – it is this heightened truth filled understanding – that heals and changes the world.
We pray, not to change the physical things in the human world, but instead our prayers can help us to see the true reality of Life that comes from God – and then the human experience will morph as a result of this new perspective.
Each prayer builds on the next, then the next, then the next.  Why?  Because prayers can’t go backwards. Once you hold in your heart a spiritual sense of harmony, you  can’t undo that harmony.  Kinda like once you learn 2+2=4 you cannot undo that learning.
The spiritual truth you’ve learned, felt and put out into the world through prayer, can’t be undone. The more we pray, the more spiritual Truth is revealed, the less of a foothold error has.
“In love for man, we gain a true sense of Love as God; and in no other way can we reach this spiritual sense, and rise – and still rise – to things most essential and divine.” Miscellaneous Writings 234:9-12
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