If we understand Love to be God. The one-ness of everything. With that knowledge then it is possible then to have a “suggestion” of the opposite  – in other words – the possibility of sickness?

It’s kinda interesting to think about…because to know and understand that if we acknowledge the possibility of sickness then we must also acknowledge it’s opposite – Health, Love, Happiness

So then, by acknowledging Love, Health, Happiness (as the opposite of a sickness) in doing so we end up negating the sickness to begin with.

Sickness, as a concept cannot exist without first the reality of Truth. The reality of Love. It’s a  circle that always goes back to the Truth. Truth and Love can exists easily without error but error cannot exist without Truth.

Argue vehemently! Argue for your divine right to feel good, to be healthy right now. Just like you would argue with a colleague or friend to prove a point or in a paper for school. You’re really good at it. State your position. You are in the right.  #Truth