Recently I was asked by a college student what I thought about getting vaccinated for COVID. My reply was this, “what’s the fear?“ I always like to approach these types of questions with really taking a deeper look at what is the fear behind the thought.

Exploring this issue further, is the fear that if you don’t get vaccinated you could get sick? Is the fear that someone else is fearful for you if you don’t get the vaccine?  Or is the fear some thing like if you do get vaccinated you’re somehow less spiritual or that you’ll be judged by others having succumb to a mortal solution?  Is the fear that putting “poison” in your body can harm you?

In any case, handling the fear comes first.  Whether you get a vaccine or not, in my opinion, honestly is irrelevant. In God‘s world, vaccines can neither help nor harm. They have no power in and of themselves unless we let mortal mind give them power.

If someone else is fearful for you and that fear cannot be overcome in any other way other than you getting a vaccine, then do it. If the government or other entity, like a school system for example, is fearful and wants you to get a vaccine, it’s completely ok.

I always start by getting rid of the fear. And trying to argue on a human level or try to convince someone of something they are not prepared to receive, is futile. I would rather coalesce, meet them where they are (humanly speaking) and handle it divinely in thought holding firm to the spiritual truth of being.

Do we want to maintain our rights and freedom of choice? Of course. But are we making that choice out of ego or are we making that choice out of love?

I always like to pretend I am stepping into God/ Love/Truth’s shoes. If I were looking out at myself through the eyes of pure divine Love, I would only see a beautiful spiritual body and soul. So then my choices can be easy and effortless. If that means a vaccination must be done then I am in alignment with Spirit when I am honoring a human law. I am demonstrating integrity, which is respectful and joyful.

If that choice means no vaccination and wearing a mask in order to be in lawful integrity, then so be it.  God‘s love is unlimited.  She/He never judges ones human actions and never has fear, doubt, disappointment or anger. Therefore neither you no I, as a reflection of that unlimited Love, can have anything but an expression of good choices at all times and under all circumstances.

Knowing this, even if you have to do the “human thing (vaccination)” you’ll be perfectly fine.

Jesus modeled this for us when he had John to baptize him…demonstrating that there are occasions where doing the “human” thing can allow for even greater work to be done behind the scenes so to speak.

Matthew 3:15

Good News Translation

“Let it be so for now. For in this way we shall do all that God requires.” 

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christain Science says this about vaccinations:

“Rather than quarrel over vaccination, I recommend that if the law demand an individual to submit to this process, he obey the law; and then appeal to the gospel to save him from any bad results. Whatever changes belong to this century, or any epoch, we may safely submit to the providence of God, to common justice, individual rights and governmental usages.”

– Mary Baker Eddy The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany: My. 219:29-220:11

 Our spiritual freedom is always intact.  Our being is always in harmony and our law is always divine.  What a wonderful opportunity to recognize and reverse mortal mind – and to easily see that anything outside of total and complete harmony as an aggressive mental suggestion outside of Divine Love. Any emotion around anger, fear, worry are all sneaky little devils trying to distract us from our true spiritual purpose.

Recipe for Thought

Ingredients: Love, spiritual freedom, harmony, divine Truth

Step 1: Start wtih what God is.  God is Love. God is harmony. God is the divine Truth of being
Step 2: Remember what God is God to…YOU!  God is Love, harmony, the divine Truth of being for you.  That means your wellness, happiness and whole-ness comes from Her/Him.
Step 3: Recognize what God is not.  God is not dis-ease. God is not fear. God is not a chemical that can help or harm.

Put on the final touches of this recipe for thought by knowing, seeing and declaring the absolute Truth. Your being always in harmony 🙂