This week I’m focusing on contentment and unlimited supply. The image I’ve been working with is the analogy of seeing God as a waterfall. With an unlimited supply of water cascading down.

Working with this image and this analogy, if God is an unlimited waterfall – like an unlimited waterfall of love, peace, truth for example, can there be anything in the way of that cascading love? Can God be both an unlimited supply of water and block it or stop it at the same time?

For me, the answer is no. If you have an unlimited supply of something, you can’t at the same time have a limited supply. Therefore, if that waterfall is an unlimited supply of love, peace, joy – then it can’t also be a limited or opposite (e.g. war, frustration, unhappiness) It’s just not possible.

God is like a waterfall
Cascading love over me
God is like a waterfall
Unlimited supply, eternally
God is like a waterfall
Flowing peace and love all day
God is like a waterfall
Cleansing and healing along Her way

God is like a waterfall
Cascading love over me
God is like a waterfall
Unlimited supply, eternally
God is like a waterfall
Powerful, strength and grace
God is like a waterfall
Misting harmony across your face


God is like a waterfall
Cascading love over me
God is like a waterfall
Unlimited supply, eternally
God is like a waterfall
Inspiration wild and pure
God is like a waterfall
Giving answers for every cure

God is like a waterfall
Cascading love over me
God is like a waterfall
Unlimited supply, eternally